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Mayor West: Not anti-gay, not guilty, not sure about his sexuality

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What a creep.

Matt Lauer did the interview with anti-gay, but not gay, Jim West, the Mayor of Spokane.

There was a pretty tough intro piece detailing all the lurid details of Jim's escapades...and a very heavy emphasis on his anti-gay record.

Stealing a page from Jeff Gannon, Jim wouldn't answer the question about his sexuality. Like Jeff, he invoked the pain this was causing his family. He said this whole mess was especially difficult for his 79 year old family, his other relatives and his ex-wife. Matt asked him how he characterized himself and he saide he wouldn't on national tv.

But we learned during the interview that Jim was not an anti-gay leader. He just voted the way his constituents wanted...that's what it was. It wasn't his fault. Hmmm. LIAR. Remember this tidbit from the Spokesman-Review:

As Spokane's incoming mayor in November 2003, West said he's opposed to extending City Hall benefits to domestic partners, citing the cost. In April 2005, the City Council approved domestic partner benefits in a 5-2 vote, enough to withstand a mayoral veto.
Jim wasn't just a legislator when that happened. He was the Mayor. And, the most of the elected officials in his city supported the measure.

Basically, Jim West hasn't ever done anything wrong so stop being so mean to him. He denied any criminal activity and was adamant that he is a CONSERVATIVE. He kept telling us that.

So, to sum up the interview, he is a CONSERVATIVE man of unclear sexual orientation who never committed any -crimes and was never an anti-gay elected official.


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