Nice job Scotty-boy. You must be pleased to have thrown all of the blame over to Newsweek when you knew the real story about how the US has mishandled the Koran. So if people die in these protests are we to blame Scott McClellan who was so quick to blame Newsweek? Just how stupid was McClellan to jump so hard on Newsweek when this information was bound to get out?
The US admitting that they erred is a good first step but it's not really enough now, is it? When is Rumsfeld going to be asked to step down? How many more incidents are we going to have to hear about before he is asked to leave? He's been the one running the ship in the Pentagon and it's just one bad story after another but the military and the administration always seem to prefer low level scapegoats instead of the people in charge. And what about Gonzalez who approved torture for detainees? What a bunch of gutless wonders we have in charge. It's always "the buck stops over there with that other person...good old what's her name."
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Global protests against US Koran mishandling
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