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Dean won't back down on DeLay comment and why should he?

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The Democratic Party is a mess because of the spines of goo who wither every time there was an attack by the GOP so hell no, Dean has no reason at all to back down. The more people learn about DeLay, the more they see just how tainted he is. Go ahead and keep makingg a fuss about Dean so the entire country can have a closer look at just how sleazy DeLay is and let the country decide who is correct on this one.

The list for GOP attacks is never ending and no matter how outrageous their remark they just keep coming. The Democrats, heaven forbid, say anything and the wingnuts go on the warpath and demand that the person steps down and is silenced. I think we have too many people in the DNC who just have no idea how to stand up to the GOP bullies but they better move aside or else the Dem's will never gain control of anything ever again. I like Barney Frank, but he's wrong on his criticism of Dean. Circle the wagons and let's talk some more about DeLay.

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