UPDATE: Contact the bigoted Office of Special Counsel and demand they do their jobs and stop their insubordination in violation of a direct order from the president. It's time they publicly stated that they will enforce the executive order banning discrimination based on sexual orientation in the federal workplace, or they should resign. There is no place for rogue religious right activists in our government.
Office of Special Counsel HQ
Tel: (202) 254-3600
Tel: (800) 872-9855
- Scott Bloch, head of the office and chief anti-gay bad guy: sbloch@osc.gov (not 100% sure this email is correct, but try it)
- Catherine Deeds, Director, Congressional and Public Affairs, cdeeds@osc.gov
And if any has any other contact information for Scott or anyone else at his office - phone, cell, email - please pass it along.
Barney Frank issued a statement on the Bloch situation:
“Many of us who disagree with President Bush on a wide range of issues were pleased when he announced that he would adhere to the policy set forward by President Clinton to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workforce,” Frank said.That last line cuts right to the key point:
“In fact, when this policy was challenged after its promulgation by President Clinton in 1998, the House voted by a 252 to 176 majority to affirm it. President Bush’s continuation of this policy marked an important step in establishing a consensus on basic fairness in the United States. What Scott Bloch has done now is to shatter this agreement that employment in the federal workforce should be based solely on merit, and he has also unfortunately raised questions about the sincerity of President Bush’s commitment, since he is a Bush appointee to the position which enforces this."
"It is essential that the President act promptly to do what is necessary to see that the policy he has announced is in fact enforced by his appointee.”
"It is essential that the President act promptly to do what is necessary to see that the policy he has announced is in fact enforced by his appointee."President Bush, get your staffer to enforce your policy. Otherwise, fire him. More background on this story here.