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What is the Right Wing's "Homosexual Agenda"?

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For years, the radical right wingers have been bemoaning what they call the "homosexual agenda." I have never been sure exactly what that means. But, recent events have really got me wondering what their "homosexual agenda" is...and where does it ultimately lead?

The anti-gay fervor that has become acceptable in America has a far wider reach than many of us imagined.

Microsoft is tripping over themselves to justify what they did in Washington State. But the impact is clear. They have retrenched from their long-standing support for gay rights. This is a big deal. And, whatever Steve Ballmer thinks, the radical right wing is going to take credit. If they can get Microsoft to switch, who's next?

One thing the gay community (such as it is) always had going for us was the support from corporate America. The wingnuts know that too. That's why they are going after our corporate sponsors.

I lay this change in attitude at the feet of George W. Bush. To appease the extremists, he made gay-bashing acceptable in America. When he endorsed using the constitution to set aside a group of Americans, he basically declared open season. We didn't fight him hard enough last year. Instead of calling it was it was, gay bashing, all of our friends engaged in a semantics game about the policy of marriage. This was never about policy. It was raw politics. And gays and lesbians in America lost.

Unfortunately, too many of our so-called friends haven't been much better. Bill Clinton signaled it was okay for Democrats to jump on the gay-bashing bandwagon when he told Kerry to support the amendment. (Let's see how far his wife tries to stray from us.)

The right wing extremists are also going after the of our other only hopes. The term "activist judges" is applied to any judge or court that grants right to gays and lesbians. How many times did Bush and the GOP use designate the Massachusetts Supreme Court "activist" because of gay marriage? And, tomorrow, Bill Frist will join the craziest of the crazy fanatics in a judge-bashing teleconference. Don't think overturning Lawrence v. Texas isn't at the top of their agenda.

So, as the radicals chip away at our support, we should be asking ourselves where this will lead. They are already enshrining gay bashing in state constitutions. They are stripping away corporate support. They have made homophobia acceptable. Surely, they want more. What?

What's their final goal? It's time to turn the tables and ask what is ultimately the "homosexual agenda" of the radical right wing. Their agenda is what's scary. Because none of this bodes well for gays in America. None of it.

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