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Senator Corzine "gets it" re: genocide/Darfur

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While some in DC talk about moral values, they seem to think that means restricting basic rights for certain people rather than universal moral values. One does not need to be a christian fundamentalist to see that genocide is a crime against humanity, though sadly that group seems to be laggards on this disastor. Senator Corzine had an important piece of legislation written and passed by the Senate with bipartisan support, no less. In short the Darfur Accountability Act insists on well, accountability.

How quickly some forget about Rwanda and Cambodia, events which have occured during my own years on the planet. What I like about this is that it raises the issue not only with the US government, but Sudan, UN as well as the African Union as well. All too often countries look the other way because they are getting a piece of the action whether there is oil involed (as is the case with the government of Sudan) or weapons being sold.

Fellow African countries may have dropped the ball by throwing red meat to their home audiences when they turned a blind eye to the recent election in Zimbabwe but it's time they step up and take action with this crisis. The White House should have been leading this if they want to try and re-gain any of the respect that we had at one time, they would have taken the lead but they did not. If we want to talk the talk, it's time to walk the walk. Is it going to be "freedom and democracy" or "freedom and democracy but only in certain circumstances when political donors see a windfall of profits"?

Corzine gets it but does the White House?

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