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Republicans to Step Up Attack over Judges Even More

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Associated Press reports that the GOP is going to get even more aggressive in their campaign against judges and the filibuster:

Senate Republicans are moving to put some muscle behind their pitch to eliminate judicial filibusters after watching liberals push out TV ads against them in anticipation of a showdown over who sits on federal appeals courts.

"They're ahead of the power curve," Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., said of the orchestrated effort by Democrats and groups such as and People for the American Way. "I think you'll see a greater, stepped-up message on part of the Republicans, to go on offense on this issues."
(By the way, that's the same John Thune who was elected with the help of male prostitute Jeff Gannon.)

We do have to ask, in the current climate, what do "aggressive" and "muscle" mean to the GOP?

Is it more violence provoking language from DeLay and Cornyn?

Setting up Mass Impeachments?

Invoking Stalinist solutions?

Making the Senate a theocracy?

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