Yes, so long as we promise to be good children, daddy will let us sit at the big table (wonder if we get a phone book?). Perhaps even more annoying is the comment from National Press Club vice president Jonathan Salant that I (John Aravosis) personally "can feel good about the fact that his [my] work on highlighting Gannon led directly to the NPC event."
Gee, thanks. I'd like to feel swell, but I don't.
You see, the thing is, I already knew that my work, and the work of other blogs like, Eschaton, World O Crap,, and countless other online gonzos, led to the NPC's panel on GannonGuckert. The problem has always been that the National Press Club never realized it - until now, so it would seem. It's hardly helpful to hear that our work actually DID lead to the panel happening, but that they're still excluding us from the panel itself.
Perhaps they thought we'd throw our peas.
I for one have no intent on watching some hooker-slash-plagiarist demean what's left of the National Press Club's, and the national press', credibility. The mainstream media represented by the NPC dropped the ball on this story for two months, and when they did deign to cover it, got the facts wrong and let GannonGuckert get away with whatever latest version of events he wanted to spew. Other than a select few mainstream media journalists like Eric Boehlert, Greg Mitchell, and Anderson Cooper, the MSM was abysmal at covering this story. I have no desire to watch the ongoing train wreck in person.
Have fun with your plagiarizing man-whore, guys. It only seems fitting, considering what you've become as a profession.
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National Press Clubs reinvites bloggers to watch GannonGuckert panel, so long as we promise to be good
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