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More egg on conservative faces

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This time it's that nasty Debra Saunders who writes for the SF Chronicle (she interviewed me once about Dr. Laura and was a total rhymes-with-witch). Well, here's what the lovely Ms. Saunders wrote in today's Chronicle:

You remember the alleged GOP memo that talked up how the Schiavo story was "a great political issue" that would hurts the Dems and help the GOP with its "pro-life base." ABC's Web site dubbed it the "GOP Talking Points on Terri Schiavo."

It turns out, as the Washington Post's Howard Kurtz reported, "no one seems to know who wrote it." The Post's Mike Allen explained that the Post merely reported that the memo was "distributed to Republican senators," but he believed the document to be "authentic" and "used to attempt to influence Republican senators." How convenient that a memo, its authorship unknown, that misspelled Terri Schiavo's name, and that said things only a moron would be dumb enough to put on paper, made it into ABC's and the Washington Post's hands.

The kicker: A story that was supposed to be about the GOP running roughshod over a woman's end-of-life wishes isn't about her known wishes and isn't about the GOP, but about both parties.
What was that about morons be dumbing enough to put things on paper? To her credit, Saunders apologized today online for getting the story wrong. Or should I say, for getting caught?

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