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Microsoft had promised to support this year's gay rights bill

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Well isn't this interesting. Microsoft didn't just "stay neutral" this year on the gay rights bill in Washington state, which is what they've been claiming. According to the key state representative involved in the legislative battle, Microsoft promised him their support this year, BEFORE they stabbed him in the back.

From the Seattle Times:

Rep. Ed Murray, D-Seattle, the bill's sponsor, said a Microsoft lobbyist had told him toward the start of the legislative session that the company would support the bill this year as it had for the previous two years. Murray also said the lobbyist, who could not be reached for comment yesterday, said the company would send a letter of support.

Murray said he never received the letter, and that in the next few weeks he received phone calls from Microsoft employees, referring to pressure from Hutcherson on the company. He said Microsoft told him about a month later that it had changed its position to neutral on the bill.

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