This is a harlequin type phalaenopsis. I don't know it's name, lost the tag when I bought it a few weeks ago, but it's a relatively new variety of Phal that has mutated, thus the funky spots. Once the first mutation of this kind happened, in I think 1995 or so, they started cultivating the plant for the mutation, and there are lots of varieties of spotted harlequins now. Though you have to be sure to get one you know FOR SURE is a harlequin - basically a clone or a plant that's already flowered and has flowered harlequin - otherwise you run the risk of the kids not being harlequins (genetics is a tricky thing).
Have always loved these, finally got one at a show in DC recentlty. Folks tend to either love or hate harlequin phals. Enjoy.
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