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Freepers are freaking out over Frist's backtracking on judges

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The Freepers are the far-right loon contingent of GOP activists. But they're big in number. They are not happy at all that Frist caved on the anti-judge rhetoric. Yet more proof that this was a golden issue for us, a great wedge issue and a great issue to go after the swing voters.

But our big non-profits fighting the judicial issues for us aren't mentioning it at all in their flurry of action alerts sent out this evening about the filubuster issue. I have several of the alerts, from HRC, PFLAG, NOW and more. They're all the same action alert, and none mentions the DeLay or Cornyn anti-judge hate. This numbers in the millions of alerts emailed out tonight, I'll bet you. Total missed opportunity.

And lest anyone ask how Cornyn and DeLay's hate-filled revenge comments about judges are relevant to the filibuster debate...

- The GOP has so lost its mind, has gotten so arrogant and drunk with power, that it wants every single independent judge removed from office, either through murder or impeachment, and wants to replace those judges with Pat Robertson clones. And the only thing standing in the way of those pro-Jihad clones is the Democrats in Congress and the filibuster. Take a stand for our judges. Take a stand against murder. Take a stand for the rule of law. Take a stand for our democracy. Take a stand for the filubuster.

Now that wasn't that hard, was it?

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