Every recent poll that has been taken recently in France has shown that the EU Constituion will not be accepted by voters. The growing discontent is coming from all sides of the political spectrum and much like Bush and his Social Security speaches, the more the government tries selling it, the less people like it.
Reasons for voting against it range from fear of EU subsidies being cut back, to fear of "Anglo-Saxon" market economy, to general displeasure with the Chirac agenda, to a general sense of frustration with the EU government which lacks even more transparency than the existing government. As a founding member of the EU, this will be a massive blow to the new constitution. Passing power to Brussels is a larger struggle for the larger EU powers who seem to want both the EU as well as the power to dictate the terms, which is increasingly difficult in the 25 member union.
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France polls show "NON" vote for EU Constitution
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