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Take a deep breath...."Clear Skies" Dies in the Senate

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A major part of Bush's plan to destroy the environment took a hit yesterday when a Senate Committee killed his so-called "Clear Skies" legislation, according to AP.

President Bush's top environmental priority - giving power plants, factories and refineries more time to reduce their air pollution - suffered a major setback Wednesday as a Republican-controlled committee rejected it in the Senate.

The Environment and Public Works Committee deadlocked on a 9-9 vote on Bush's "clear skies" bill, a name that Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., described as "akin to calling Frankenstein Tom Cruise."

The tie vote came after weeks of fruitless negotiation to get a bare majority required to recommend the bill to the full Senate. The committee vote doesn't preclude GOP leaders from scheduling the bill for floor action anyway, but they would have fewer parliamentary tactics available to pass it over Democratic objections.
So you can breathe easy....but not for long. Next week, the Senate will take a vote on drilling in the Arctic. There's plenty of environment left for the Republicans to destroy.

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