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Oh, you have to read this

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Possibly the worst suck up interview of GannonGuckert yet:

I spoke again with Jeff Gannon this week about the Doonesbury story line and other issues pertaining to controversy surrounding him. At best, he is surviving, at worst he's more than a little fed up with being the blog world's piñata boy....

Gannon's mood turned pretty dark when I asked him about all the postings in the blog universe. "Gabe, I'm not going to respond directly to the most hurtful and blatantly wrong things said about me because I won't give credence to any of it. These people have an agenda to destroy me any way they can and I am amazed at the theories and stories people are posting."

Gannon may have a chance to set the blog world straight on a larger stage because, in a strange twist of fate, he is scheduled to be a panelist discussing bloggers and their impact at the National Press Club next week.

Gannon says there is a growing chorus of people who feel his invitation to participate should be canceled, but Gannon finds that the epitome of hypocrisy. "It's OK for Wonkette to be there but not me," says Gannon incredulously. "I was never a White House plant, I've been ripped to shreds by bloggers, and now they want to deny me a chance to say anything about it in the very heart of free speech and freedom of the press, the National Press Club. Mind-boggling."

While Gannongate has cooled a bit, it still isn't off the national radar gossip screen altogether and may heat up again very soon. "One thing I'd like to make clear Gabe is that I haven't disappeared, as so many have surmised. I'm still right here in Washington if anyone wants to find me. Also, I've had invitations to appear on Real Time with Bill Maher,

Keith Olberman's show on MSNBC and Chris Mathews' show. I'm still deciding which ones I want to do."

Gannon added his interview with Tucker Carlson a couple of weeks ago went OK, but that he sensed a haughty hostility from Carlson throughout their Q and A. As for any new job offers, Gannon says "not at the moment." Is there any "smoking gun" type information Gannon is holding back? He wouldn't answer the question.

Does Jeff Gannon/James Dale Guckert think he has a career and could Get back into the White House daily briefings? "Absolutely, Gabe." Gannon Said defiantly. "Why not?"
1. Blatantly wrong? Like what? You mean you're not a high-priced man-whore named Bulldog? You could have killed that story when I contaced you for a comment before going to press and you refused to respond.
2. Good point about Wonkette. Ass-fucking, and all.
3. As for Bill Maher, Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman. Make our day. Go before a real journalist and see how well you fare.
4. You sensed a haughty hostility from Tucker Carlson? Everyone I know who saw that interview said he kissed your ass. Good God, do you really think that all journalism, good journalism, appropriate journalism, is when people simply parrot YOUR talking points?
5. As for thinking he can walk back into the White House, I just feel sorry the guy.

Oh, and check out this conclusion from the reporter who interviewed him:
And as far as some people wondering why I have shown Jeff Gannon, in their words, " an unusual degree of sympathy", that is the wrong perspective to take on the pieces I've written about Gannon. Too bad not taking the low road indicates to some I'm showing unwarranted objectivity towards Jeff Gannon. Being fair and balanced is what distinguishes bloggers from the reporters.
Yeah, it's amazing with those savvy interview tactics you don't work for a bigger paper.

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