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Let's talk briefly about Terri Schiavo's "smile"

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Nice photo of her "smiling" that they've got on the wires. But if you watched ABC News tonight, every single photo of her is pretty much the same - that same mouth agape in a quasi-smile.

A smile is a smile when it's done once or occasionally at fun moments. When it's a permament fixture on your face and the doctors say - and I'm NOT making this up - that your cerebral cortex has turned to liquid, it's a sign that there's nothing there. Yes, occasionally, and I say occasionally, her face is not as clear a smile, but her mouth is still wide open, her head is back, and it gives the appearance that she's craining her neck to see the person talking to her. Only problem is, as previously noted, SHE'S ALWAYS LIKE THAT IN THAT POSITION REGARDLESS OF WHO'S THERE, IF ANYONE.

As for her mouth being open, almost ready to speak, this is apparently the natural resting position of her face. Look at a picture of her when she was well, this woman's basic at-ease look was mouth wide open, like she was ready to say something:

That means, it's not surprising that there are pictures of her mouth open, almost ready to speak to us. But as I said, EVERY picture is that way, this is apparently how she is permanently. It's really quite sad. She's an automaton, permanently head back, mouth agape, but there's nothing there - HERE CEREBRAL CORTEX HAS TURUNED TO LIQUID. These people make me sick.

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