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James Dobson pissed at O'Reilly for defending SpongeBob GayPants

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Religious right leader James Dobson is ticked at Bill O'Reilly for ripping him a new one over Dobson's SpongeBob debacle. As you may recall, Dobson publicly worried at an inaugural event that SpongeBob, Dora the Explorer, and many other cartoon characters were actuall members of the gay mafia, out to indoctrinate the children of America into the secret homosexual agenda.

Anyway, O'Reilly got on Dobson's case over this again the other night, and Dobson is spewing venom over it.

Note to Dobson: Stop being a Bible-thumping bigoted Talibanesque control queen and maybe you won't get bad coverage? Just a thought.

Fox News Channel talk-show host Bill O'Reilly used his "talking points" feature on Monday night (Feb. 28) to once again misreport the SpongeBob SquarePants issue, criticizing conservative "culture warriors" for allegedly saying that the popular children's cartoon character is gay.

"SpongeBob is a sponge. He's not cruising the bars in West Hollywood," O'Reilly said. "Culture warriors on both sides have got to get a grip. There's danger in fanatical policy. But paranoia makes a danger harder to illuminate. You won't be taken seriously if you cry wolf too often."

His comments are a thinly veiled swipe at Focus on the Family® based upon comments that have been widely misquoted in the media questioning the use of SpongeBob and other beloved children's characters in a "tolerance" video produced by a group with a history of advocating for pro-gay causes. Although O'Reilly's staff has been informed in writing that the "SpongeBob" controversy is based solely on media spin, the "No Spin Zone" can't seem to get its facts straight.
And feel free to contact O'Reilly and thank him for taking on people like Dobson.


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