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GannonGuckert: Another Small Market Paper Nails It

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Yes, while all the papers of record either ignore or do a shoddy job on GannonGuckert, columnist Edward Cone for the News-Record lays it out nicely.

"Certainly we can add a new definition of the term "house organ," and it's fun to imagine the hyperventilation of the commentariat had someone working as an alleged gay prostitute been so welcomed by the Clinton White House," writes Cone.

"But Guckert's avocation is the least-creepy aspect of this story. Talon News has been shut down and Eberle exposed, er, shown to be a propagandist. Yet the Guckert saga is not an isolated series of events. Instead, it is the latest example of a media strategy built not just on spinning a message, but on co-opting the mechanisms of message delivery."

Thanks to Deano for pointing us to this story.

MSM: This story has YET to be thoroughly investigated. Question Number One: Jim Guckert was snuck into the White House Press Room on a day pass before he had written a single news article for anyone. He wasn't even affiliated with any news outlet -- real or imagined -- anywhere in the world. He was a plant. Who at the White House put him in the press room?

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