The Supreme Court has yet again followed the law and refused to intervene in the Terri Schiavo case. The far-right can thank Reagan-appointee Justice Kennedy for that.
"The judges are running this country," Ms. Schiavo's father said outside the hospice Thursday afternoon, according to the New York Times. "All the judges have banded together to support Judge Greer."
HIs comments are rather mild compared to what so many others are saying. Actually, the judges aren't getting involved enough, are they? First they intervene, too much and now the damn (in)activist judges aren't intervening enough? I wish they'd make up their minds instead of following the rule of law and interpreting the facts in front of them as they fit each particular case.
And Gov. Bush! The far right is now threatening him with hell to pay if he "fails" to save Terri. Bush has literally explored every legal means of action, but Pat Robertson was on CNN this evening saying a "piddling little judge" shouldn't be bossing around the Governor of Florida. They are virtually demanding Jeb Bush ignore the law and basically stage a coup by sending in the National Guard and abducting Terri.
With 80% (and more) of the country strongly believing that Congress, the President and the Governor of Florida have gone way too far and overstepped their bounds, with people who celebrate a culture of life also threatening the lives of judges and Terri's husband, with Senator Frist offering a medical prognosis via years-old videotape, with evangelicals demanding Gov. Bush IGNORE the Constitution and simply use soldiers to force his will, isn't it about time people started talking about the republicans and the far right being drunk with power and out of control and -- seriously -- a danger to democracy. How long can they continue to attack our form of government and the three branches formed under the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, how long can they mock and belittle and undermine an independent judiciary until we start to call them what they are: un-American?
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Damn Inactivist Judges!
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