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Activist Judges At It Again: Supreme Court Says 'Don't Kill Kids'

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Yes, in a decision that will surely infuriate the far right, those wacky activist, unelected justices at the Supreme Court have ruled 5-4 that the United States can no longer execute minors. According to the New York Times, this affects about 70 juvenile murderers who will now be pampered by spending the rest of their lives behind bars.

It's infuriating, but this means the US will be forced to join the rest of the civilized world in not killing kids -- we'll have to break away from the few nations still brave enough to execute minors; fine, upstanding countries like Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and China.

It's very hard, coming so soon on the heels of that wacky activist decision that said we can't kill the mentally retarded either. As Justice Scalia almost said in his dissent, "This sucks."

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