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Video of Gannon CNN today

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Crooks and Liars has the video. Watch it. This guy is quite a package. I have no idea if he's been stalked for the past two weeks, but judging by the fact that no one knew his real name until this past Monday night, and to the best of my knowledge we still don't even know where he lives, I find it hard to believe he's being stalked. The bigger story, I think, is that he finally admits that those Web addressed are his, and that he registered them for a client. So, he had a client that was somehow involved with gay escort services? And he decides he wants a career change, builds a Web site, and suddenly gets daily access to the White House, the president, and internal CIA documents. Hell of a career change.

The entire story is increasingly shifty, and increasingly troubling when you think that this man was granted unfettered access to the White House, and more.

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