- First point, Bush obviously told them not to do the long opening applause they always do. Not sure why.Okay, so the entire speech was about social security and Iraq. Uh, are there no more pressing issues, like, uh, the war on terror? Uhm, what exactly is the plan? And domestically, social security is it?
- Note that Bush just said he supports a constitutional amendment to defend marriage:
Because marriage is a sacred institution and the foundation of society, it should not be re-defined by activist judges. For the good of families, children, and society, I support a constitutional amendment to protect the institution of marriage.
Note what he didn't say. He didn't say he would push for the amendment. He didn't even say what the amendment was. He didn't say we must define marriage as a man and a woman. The guy just threw in a throwaway line for the religious right, but, again, he's trying to cut the gay baby in half. He supports the amendment, but he didn't say he as planning on doing anything about it.
- "Victims" of AIDS? Uh, what is this, 1994 again?
- Speaking of providing our military with their "tools for victory," how we doing on that body armor?
- He killed your son and now you're helping him kill more. And by the way, your son didn't die fighting to keep his mom free, unless his mom was in Fallujah, and then actually he kind of has put her more at risk.
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SOTU open thread
Okay, so the entire speech was about social security and Iraq. Uh, are there no more pressing issues, like, uh, the war on terror? Uhm, what exactly is the plan? And domestically, social security is it?blog comments powered by Disqus