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NYT picks up Gannon story!

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A pretty good article too. Totally different slant. Hits on the angle of Congress demanding an investigation, and that the members of Congress contacted the independent prosecutor investigating the Valerie Plame affair. Nice.

PS The Guardian has the story too, and a very good spin to it.

And the right wing is PISSED!

And nice to know all these family values conservatives have no problem with people taking escort services as clients. The point isn't whether WE have a problem with it - the point is that THEY DO. They're trying to ban porn on TV, in hotel rooms, from magazines. But when one of their own takes a client that has something to do with a male escort Web site, suddenly it's okay. Next time, think twice before you try to jam your family values down our throats - lest you choke on your own jihad.

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