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North Korea Has The Bomb

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Yes, on Bush's watch North Korea claims it has the bomb and doesn't care who knows it. And those US-sponsored talks? Nothing doing. Of course, the US could always threaten to unilaterally invade. Oh wait, our military is so stretched thin that it CAN'T attack North Korea. Bush's response to Korea's claim: no biggie, we figured as much.

As blogger Michael Hawthorne points out, Iran isn't particularly intimidated by our overworked military, threatening a "burning hell" for any aggressors.

Link this with Bush cozying up to Pakistan -- which sold nuclear material and know-how to any and all comers and has been rewarded with our largesse -- not to mention Bush's utter failure to spend the mere hundreds of millions it would take to lock down the nuclear weapons loose in Russia and the former Soviet countries. Thanks for keeping the world safe (for the spread of nuclear weapons), Mr. President.

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