I'm just sitting back and enjoying the work of John "Scoop" Aravosis. This is why I donate my time and you should donate your money to his work.
Steny Hoyer and the conservative blogger above both make valid points. This is not about digging into someone's private life -- this is about national security, this is about planting decoys into the White House press room, this is about manipulating the media to deceive the American people and a lot more. You should be blasting the mainstream media with the very serious talking points John raises below (not to mention the comments of Hoyer).
Who specifically approved of GannonGuckert's access to the White House press room. When? What are the standard background checks done on reporters applying for this access? Who did this check on GannonGuckert if any such check were done? How could a vanity website with no journalistic background pass even the most basic background check? GannonGuckert couldn't get credentialed for a city council meeting and certainly not on Capitol Hill. Who signed off on him? This COULD NOT be done via routine channels or he would have been turned down.
And one more teeny tiny point for those who want to pretend we're invading GannonGuckert's privacy and digging into his personal life just to embarrass him:
GannonGuckert was not stalked by photographers. No one dug through his trash. Hidden cameras were not placed in sleazy hotel rooms to gain evidence. GannonGuckert posed for the cameras and then put them on the biggest display board in the world to drum up business. GannonGuckert wanted people to see them; he wanted strangers to see them. He wanted to make money off of them. Any of his family or friends or business associates could have stumbled upon them at any time. If anyone disturbed GannonGuckert's privacy, it was GannonGuckert himself.
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