I had to get up early today to go to an event, and boy that interview got my blood moving.
1. His past. The escort profiles soliciting clients are still live, Jeff. You say once something is on the Internet it's always there. We're talking about LIVE profiles you have up. They're only "always there" if you choose to leave them live. This is ridiculous.
2. We're "abandoning our principles" by going after you? Don't lecture me about principles, Mr. Anti-gay by day, and gay-for-pay at night. You worked for anti-gay bigots, sucked up to an anti-gay president, helped him get re-elected, and expect us to, what, thank you for it?
3. "Every day I learn about another site where there are allegedly pictures of me." Ok, see, here you're lying again Jeff in pure Clintonian style. What "other sites" are you talking about? I've posted links to 8 Web sites, all definitively linked to the same escort Jeff/Bulldog in DC. You're now giving quotes to the Washington Post suggesting that these sites are not yours.
4. Valerie Plame. You didn't have the document, you never saw the document, it was written about in the Wall Street Journal. Nice. But you never told Howard that the WSJ is how YOU knew about the doc. Sure, it was IN the WSJ, but is that how YOU found out? You never told Howie in the article that no one ever TOLD you about the document. Again, parsing parsing parsing.
5. Gannon could "sense" the attack on Iraq was coming? The person I interviewed said Gannon told them that the president was going to speak to the nation in four hours to announced we were attacking Iraq. Pretty damn good "sense" he's got - he even accurately predicted the exact time the president was going on TV.
6. "People criticize me for being a Christian." What?
Clueless, clueless, clueless. The man has learned NOTHING over the past two weeks. He regrets nothing. And I was actually feeling sorry for him until now.
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