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What's our elevator pitch?

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I'm stealing this from Daily Kos cuz it's good:

The American Prospect defines the GOP elevator pitch as:
We believe in freedom and liberty, and we're for low taxes, less government, traditional values, and a strong national defense.
Nevermind the ways the Bush agenda has strayed from that pitch. This is how they have branded themselves and it has been spectacularly effective.

The editors at the Prospect are looking for suggestions for the Democratic pitch. I'm stealing their idea so we can riff about it here. So here's the rules: Define what we stand for in a sentence no longer than 30 words.
So, I challenge you to do the same. Come up with a good defenition of what Democrats stand for, something you could tell the boss who's running for the elevator so you only have 10 to 15 seconds to tell him/her.

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