UPDATE: I checked back with Wayne Besen to see if he had made sure this was the SAME Richard Cohen in both instances, since it is a common name. He already confirmed that it is the same man.
The "ex"-gays, for those of you not in the know, are a religious right front group that claims you can pray away the gay. Of course, it never works, and their leaders eventually end up being caught in gay bars (John Paulk) or gay barebacking orgies (Michael Johnston).
Richard Cohen is a therapist who is one of the top cheerleaders of the "ex"-gay movement - Dr. Laura cites his work, and the "ex"-gays sell his books, he goes on Larry King, etc. His theories are rather kookie, which isn't new for the "ex"-gay crowd, but what is new is that Cohen was allegedly expelled from the American Counseling Association in 2003 for serious ethical violations involving his therapy practice. Yes, one of the top "docs" the religious right uses to bash gays may be a quack who is so unethical in his therapy that he was thrown out of the therapists' professional association.
No big surprise here. But if you ever hear Cohen's name come up, make sure you wave a copy of this letter.
Kudos to Wayne Besen for digging up all of this.
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Therapist of "ex"-gay movement expelled from professional association for ethical violations
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