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Senior US military officers bilking system to get combat pay and tax breaks

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From David Hackworth:

Another loophole creates an even more gross inequity: senior officers – read generals and colonels – regularly fly into Afghanistan and Iraq on monthly 48-hour useless VIP visits in order to both collect their combat pay for the entire month and rack up tax breaks that can run almost seven grand a month. Not bad double-headers for Perfumed Princes who can barely tell a foxhole from a bidet.
They're your tax dollars. Absolute pocketbooks corrupt absolutely.

The rest of the story is interesting as well. It tells how the Bush administration is screwing our troops at the frontlines. Small children in foreign sweatshops practically make more money than these guys. And the guys at the front lines get the same "hazard pay" as troops in a far off safe country.

But hey, you troops reportedly voted for Bush en masse, and you know what they say, you get the army you voted for.

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