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Religious right freaking out that Bush and Mehlman are selling them out

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Today's Wash Post:

President Bush came under fire from some social conservatives yesterday for saying he will not aggressively lobby the Senate to pass a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage during his second term....

Last week, some Republicans complained that Bush's choice to head the Republican National Committee, Kenneth B. Mehlman, has picked an abortion rights supporter to be co-chairman.
Newsflash. They surround themselves with fags, and then you're surprised when they start to moderate their views on gay issues? Hello? Hard to bash a gay when he's your buddy working in the next cubible.

Not to mention, Bush knows that Mehlman and every other ambiguously-gay staffer he has is toast if he pushes this anti-gay crap any longer. We've had it and now we're striking back. If the GOP keeps gay-bashing, they're going to find themelves an outing campaign over the next four years the likes of which they can't even imagine. Scorched earth is putting it nicely. I'm talking about raising money, serious money, to expose the GOP's family values hypocrisy in a BIG way.

The gays and their allies have already proven we can do it, and successfully at that. If the GOP wants all out war over the details of THEIR personal lives, go ahead, make my day.

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