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Kerry on Meet the Press

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Discussing the Swift Boats for 5 minutes. What the hell is his problem? Tell Russert to shut the fuck up about the Swift Boats. Put your foot down. Say enough is enough, you're through discussing whether you've stopped beating your wife. Scold Russert for pandering to shoddy yellow journalism. Tell him 2 Americans just died at our embassy in Iraq preparing for the Iraqi vote today. And Russert honors their memory to worrying about the fucking Swift Boats?

What does Kerry do? Launches into a long discussion of whether he did or didn't cross the Cambodian border Christmas eve 35 years ago. Who the fuck cares.

It's Kitty Dukakis all over again. Defend yourself. Put your foot down. Tell Russert to shove it. As my sister said to me before the election: If he won't defend himself, how is he going to defend us?

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