The GOP has a thing about vote counting. As we saw in 2000, they do not trust the voters and sure as hell do everything to prevent votes from being counted.
Currently, there are two races where the GOP is trying to prevent all the votes from being counted.
In Washington State, it now appears that Democrat Christine Gregoire may be ahead because....all the votes are being counted. Gregoire has been under enormous pressure from GOP hacks to drop out. The Associated Press is now reporting "Democrat May be Leading in Wash. Race." The Republicans are playing nasty hardball, as usual. According to the Seattle Times, "A huge video billboard on Interstate 5 near Fife is flashing a 'Christine: Concede' message to commuters." Fortunately, Gregoire has insisted that ALL the votes be counted. Now, she will probably end up being Governor.
In another important race across the country, Republicans are trying to prevent the counting of votes in a New York State Senate Race. In the latest tally, incumbent Republican Nick Spano is ahead of Democrat Andrea Stewart-Cousins by 93 votes. Spano's people, led by a lawyer, Anthony Mangone (who has a history of his own when it comes to election shenanigans), are doing everything possible to prevent all the votes from being counted. The New York State Senate has been led by Republicans for decades. This year, the Democrats made serious inroads, already picking up 3 new seats. New York is a very blue state and should have a State Senate that reflects that.
While the Bush administration talks about elections in Afghanistan and Iraq, their flunkies are doing everything they can to subvert the legitimate votes of Americans. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
The mantra of the Democrats needs to be: count all the votes. Say it over and over and over. Don't let the Republicans steal anymore elections by not counting all the votes.
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Why do Republicans Hate Voters?
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