So, the Bush Administration is funding abstinence education. And, it turns out, according to a Congressional Report, they are funding "false and misleading" information.
George W. Bush and is his administration are OBSESSED with the sex lives of other Americans. But, they don't share with us. We still don't know what the abstinence policy is for single White House staffers. And, we should know what the abstinence policy is over at the RNC, since their leader, Kenny, is a "confirmed bachelor" wink, wink.
What might help is for Barb and Jenna to become spokespersons for the Bush Administration sex policies. They can tell us what they know about sex...or abstinence. What did their parents teach them about sex? Were they told about birth control? Do they know what "safe sex" is? Or, did their parents encourage sexual abstinence?
Since George Bush is so obsessed with sex, let's hear what his family policies are on the issue...and what his staff policies are. Going out on a limb here, but I bet they really don't practice what they preach.
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What do Barb and Jenna Know?
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