This is one of the most revolting episodes in modern US history. There is no proof whatsoever that torture victims provide accurate or valid information. More to the contrary, torture victims generally tell the torturer anything they want to hear just to stop the torture and the information generated is most often useless. Anyone who thinks its a good idea ought to visit Cambodia where the infamous S-21 torture center is now a museum and then take a drive 12 kilometers out of town and visit the Killing Fields where it's all there to see. This does nothing other than soil our already shaky reputation.
Once again with this new development the US is choosing knee jerk reactions over reality. Torture has never been proven as an effective method of gathering information. It always spirals out of control and leads to demonization, as we have already witnessed with both Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.
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Torture is now legal in US courts, a new low for democracy
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