Powerlineblog.com, one of the top right-wing political blogs, is winging out over what they call "a Democratic whisper campaign" that incoming RNC chair-designate Ken Mehlman is gay.
Wrong, guys. There is no whisper involved. A lot of us are publicly asking, in an increasingly loud chorus, which way Mehlman swings since there have been rumors for years and he keeps refusing to go on the record and simply say he's straight. Even more odd, he apparently has been willing to say off-the-record that he's straight, in quiet whispers to the media, but when asked to confirm that on-the-record, not a word. Interesting, particularly since there would be no whisper campaign at all if Mehlman would just come clean. His own actions are causing the uproar.
The conservatives of course, in only the way they can, call Mehlman's potentiall gayness "a smear" at the same time they accuse us of being the ones who are now being anti-gay by asking if Mehlman is gay. Which is kind of funny, because it's only anti-gay and a "smear" if you think being gay is bad. Not that the Taliban wing of the GOP gets that.
What Powerlineblog and the rest of them don't realize is that the smear wouldn't be Mehlamn being gay. The smear is Mehlman leading an anti-gay organization and party and re-election campaign for the president. Organizations devoted to using gay people and their rights and their families and their lives as cannon fodder for their own personal political gain.
I could care less if Ken Mehlman fucks guys. What I care about is whether Mehlman fucks guys by night and the rest of us by day.
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Republican blogs getting pissed over rumors of Ken Mehl(wo)man's amiguous sexual orientation
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