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Radical right censor chick watches "Sopranos" and "Sex in the City" - what's wrong with this picture?

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From the Washington Post, a profile of the radical right organization that monitors all that evil sex and violence on TV. They took a specific look at the woman in the office who's in charge of watching all the shows and then giving the shows their warning labels for sex and violence and stuff. Here's what they had to say about her:

She'll be leaving around 4:30, as usual. Her day's work will help the PTC assign shows ratings -- green, yellow or red, traffic-light style, in the categories "sex," "violence," "language" and "overall" -- which parents can use when deciding what to tune in. PTC staffers will also use the sponsor logs and episode descriptions she's compiled when lobbying companies to pull their ads from red-lighted programs.

In the 5 1/2 years she's been doing this, she's logged more than 7,000 hours of television. "It's all gotten worse," she says. She used to be able to log two networks' prime-time shows in the same number of hours it now takes her to do one.

She still watches at home, but doesn't enjoy it as much as she used to. "Entertainment Tonight" just makes her roll her eyes. She watches movies, the Food Network and the dramatic series on HBO. "The Sopranos" is her favorite show by far, but lately she and her fiance have been tuning in ABC's "Desperate Housewives," too.

Hey, they're grown-ups without kids, she says. They're entitled. She used to watch "Sex and the City" at home as well.
Ok, here's the thing. Either this is a good sign that the organization is only worried about truth in labeling so parents can judge if their kids should be watching certain shows, but they're not interested in actually banning show, or it's a sign of hypocrisy (ban my shows while you're watching them too). Unfortunately, Brent Bozell, her boss, is hardly part of the level-headed middle-ground in this country. He's a leader of the far-right of the Republican party.

These quotes should be thrown in their face EVERY time these issues come up.

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