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Jerry Falwell's appetite for giving men BJs

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Something you're not telling us Jerry?

MATTHEWS: How did they get to be gay, though?
FALWELL: Well, we probably differ there.
MATTHEWS: I'm asking.
FALWELL: But I think all behavior is chosen.
MATTHEWS: I'm open. I don't know.
FALWELL: I think that...
MATTHEWS: Did you choose to be heterosexual?
MATTHEWS: You chose it? You thought about it and you came up with that solution? That lifestyle? (CROSSTALK)
FALWELL: Put it this way. I was taught as a child that's the right way to...
MATTHEWS: But did you feel an attraction toward women?
FALWELL: Oh, of course.
MATTHEWS: When people are born and they find themselves having an attraction to somebody from the same sex, do you think that's a choice?
FALWELL: I think you can experiment with any kind of perversity and develop an appetite for it, just like you can food.
So, Jerry Falwell admits he could develop an appetite for giving guys blowjobs, if given the chance. Okay then.

Wonkette has the full story.

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