The NYT article, cited in a post below, has caused a bit of consternation. HRC (the largest gay rights lobby) says the article didn't present the truth of what they're doing. So here's the statement in response to the article. Read it and comment.
The Human Rights Campaign made the following statement regarding the Dec. 9 New York Times article on strategy for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights:
Today’s New York Times article was an incomplete and therefore inaccurate representation of the plans of the Human Rights Campaign.
HRC’s goals are unchanged and rock solid. There will be no retreat or compromise in the pursuit of full equality for GLBT Americans, including our right to marry, protect our families and be free from discrimination at work.
Tactics adapt, goals do not.
The marriage debate has focused attention on GLBT families and our struggles like never before and HRC will sharpen that focus in coming weeks and months as Americans come to understand our lives and the challenges we face.
Thus far, our opponents have sought to shape this debate as “us versus them” in a political framework. HRC’s current deliberations are centered on strategies to reshape the national dialogue in personal terms of “we” in the broader context of community. People need to better understand the issues affecting gay and lesbian lives and HRC must provide that leadership.
For example, regarding Social Security, the Congress will be considering Social Security reform. The debates will be both substantive and partisan. HRC intends to use that debate to promote to the country the fact that GLBT people do not have a majority of the social security benefits enjoyed by most Americans right now if we cannot designate a beneficiary to the monies we have earned. We will not be used as a partisan tool and have taken no position to support privatization. Rather we will focus on the need for equality.
In the days ahead, we will talk about our plans to retool and expand HRC’s existing programs and announce new policy initiatives to invigorate how Americans think about our issues, our lives, and our vision of equality. We will reach out to straight allies, communities of faith and provide new avenues of hope for the LGBT community.
The path to social change is never fast enough and always fraught with twists and turns, but the final destination is never in doubt.
The Human Rights Campaign is the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender political organization with members throughout the country. It effectively lobbies Congress, provides campaign support and educates the public to ensure that LGBT Americans can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.