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Bush Gives Troops "Support and Gratitude" -- But not life-saving equipment

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Yesterday, eight more American troops were killed in Iraq. Also, yesterday, George Bush was at a concert wishing the troops well. He said, "These families and the troops they love can be certain that they have the support and gratitude of our nation."

Now, I know the President doesn't read. But he should take a gander at the Newsweek article on American troops in Iraq. They may have his support and gratitude, but they probably want the kind of material that will keep them alive more. Those soldiers he is so fond of just don't have the equipment they need to keep them safe:

Eighteen months after Bush declared that "major combat operations" in Iraq were over—and another war began—the most powerful military machine on the planet, replenished by America's unmatched industrial power, is still sending its soldiers, reservists and National Guardsmen down dangerous roads in soft-skinned trucks and Humvees.
Let's just for a minute imagine if Clinton was the President and this happened. Congress would be calling for his impeachment (and with some validity unlike the last time). His Defense Secretary would surely have been fired. But there are no repercussions for Bush and Rumsfeld.

These frauds challenge the patriotism of anyone who opposed the war. They claim we aren't supporting the troops. We know their audacity is stunning. They send these kids to die in Iraq without the proper equipment, but they are the ones who support them.

Apparently, this is what the American people wanted. Rmember, polling showed that the troops and their families strongly supported Bush. So, why should we all worry when they don't?

Still, I think that if there was a real media....and a real opposition party....maybe there would be some repercussions.

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