The saga continues and the CYA crowd is circling the wagons, protecting Koffi Annan. For me, Annan raised a red flag when he forcefully pooh-poohed the food-for-oil investigation, which clearly has issues itself since it was initially promoted by the infamous Chalabi, who is not exactly known for his honesty. It still brings me back to what I think is a problem, where the son of the UN Secretary-General is getting paid by a business who was closely involved in the food-for-oil program. To me it is absolutely stunning to read that his son was paid $2500 per month by a company that he stopped working for in 1998. I am reasonably familiar with labor practices both in the US and in Europe and such payments are highly irregular, to say the least.
If the UN wants to make itself irrelevant, they can continue allowing garbage like this and vote to keep each other immune from criticism. Annan can also continue dragging their feet with crisis such as Darfur. If Annan wants to be forceful, he could be a stronger force with that problem as well, especially after ignoring Rwanda ten years ago. Then perhaps the UN can start taking a look into other issues such as aid distribution and how it has contributed to false economies and corruption. Again, I strongly support the idea of the UN and want to see it work, but right now there are problems.
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As the UN turns, CYA out in full force
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