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Another troubling report from ABC about our troops not having what they need

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According to ABC News, the troops in Iraq simply do not have the armor they need to protect their vehicles. The Marines are having to put metal on the sides of their own vehicles - they call it Hillbilly Armor - to protect themselves. According to a Colonel Zimmermann of the National Guard, interviewed by ABC News, 95% of his unit's 300 trucks do not have appropriate armor. Then they interviewed this young 24 year old college student talking about how the windshield on the front of his truck is "basically a window of opportunity to get shot."

It should be a crime the way this president has abandoned our troops. And it's even more a crime that the Democrats haven't done squat with this issue in terms of embarrassing the Republicans. If Bill Clinton had sent our troops into battle, and 3 years later they STILL didn't have what they needed, he'd be impeached again.

Where is our party? Where is the courage? Where is the backbone? Where are the leaders?

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