As you can see from the comments of all our visitors, the news on TV and anecdotal stories from all over the country (and not just the swing states like Florida), the lines are looooong today. It's a beautiful thing but if you swung by the polls and decided you'd wait till after work, you're going to be in even longer lines tonight. Go on your lunch break and tell your boss you WON'T COME BACK until you've voted. Take off an hour early from work to get a head start on the evening crush. Bring a snack and something to read. Call in sick. Take a sick day with their permission. Do whatever you must. But vote. It really matters.
Our fearless leader John in DC says the lines are long there and maybe some years he could understand why people wouldn't bother -- DC will clearly be going for Kerry. But no matter what state you're in, the popular vote is crucial. The larger the popular vote for Kerry, the more difficult it will be for Bush to challenge a few key states and swing the election. Kerry won't make the mistakes Gore made four years ago, but Bush won't have a ghost of a chance if it's 53% Kerry and 47% Bush. The popular vote matters. If you're in Texas or California or New York or wherever, you MUST vote. Regardless of the Electoral College, it could mean the difference between victory or weeks of court challenges. It will also mean the difference between a razor thin win and a popular mandate for change and a resounding kick in the ass for Bush as he heads out the back door.
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The Lines Are Loooooooooooooong!
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