Interesting piece by David Brooks today in the NYT about how the "values" phenomenon may not have been the overwhelming force so many people say it was in this election. Of course, Brooks uses his argument to take swipes at "liberals" for their arrogance, when it's people like Gary Bauer making the "values voters" claim much more than any lefty I've seen. Brooks may be right about the values stuff. But if Bauer, Reed, and Robertson want to claim victory, let's hold them to their word. Or at least God's word.
I live in a red state, and for months now I've been continually reminded by letters from Bauer's people to the editor of my local paper that I can't be a Christian and support gay marriage, abortion rights, or embryonic stem cell research at the same time. I can't even say I'm "not a good Christian," I'm simply NOT a Christian if I support any of these things even a little bit. There's no room for debate, for finding some scrap of scripture that might help my case. I saw the voters' guides being distributed at churches and it's pretty clear where they stand on a couple of issues. Go directly to hell, do not pass GO, do not collect $200.
I looked long and hard at the bible (yes, I've read it - shocking!) and couldn't find the words "embryonic stem cell research" anywhere in it. I did find, however, "Thou shall not kill." So I get it. Pretty clear.
So here's my question -- why did these voters' guides ignore the death penalty? "Thou shall not kill" seems pretty clear to me. I know some bullshit arguments have been made citing a couple of passages in Genesis and Exodus that skirt around the issue. I know some "scholars" suggest that even though Jesus refused to support the execution of an adulterous woman in the Book of John, that doesn't mean he opposed the death penalty. I just keep going back to "Thou shall not kill." Pretty clear. You either support it or you don't.
Another question -- why did these guides ignore the war in Iraq? There are plenty of stories in the Bible about wars, and "just wars." The Pope doesn't think this is a just war. I realize he's just one Christian, though it seems he's a fairly influential one. It's my understanding that Catholics are supposed to follow his lead on stuff like this.
So American Christians, and our Head Christian in Charge, need to face up to it. If you support the death penalty, you're violating God's law. There's no wiggle room here. If Bush were a Catholic, he couldn't receive communion. Because he supports the death penalty, he's going to hell. There is absolutely, positively, no room for compromise on this. Don't give me some bullshit justification from some circumspect quote in Genesis or Exodus. Thou shall not kill.
By the way, I think it's OK for dems and libs to read the Bible. I'm a big fan of the Sermon on the Mount. I'm not trying to preach to anyone. But this is a pretty good read, and I've found it very fulfilling when someone questions my values by looking at my vote.
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