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I am a pretty angry blogger

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A candidate for relection to the White House had the nerve, in a public setting, to talk about Mary Cheney's lesbianism. That candidate wasn't asked about Mary, they were asked about gay rights overall, yet when discussing gay rights that candidate decided to invoke Mary Cheney's lesbianism, uninvited. How dare that candidate out Mary Cheney. It was a cheap and tawdry political trick. You saw a man who will do and say anything to get elected, and I am not just speaking as a blogger here, although I am a pretty angry blogger.

That man's name is... Dick Cheney:

"DICK CHENEY: Well, the question has come up obviously in the past, with respect to the question of gay marriage. Lynn and I have a gay daughter, so it's an issue that our family's very familiar with.

We have two daughters, and we have enormous pride in both of them, they're both fine young women, they do a superb job, frankly, of supporting us, and we are blessed with both our daughters."

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