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We're now up to 24 different reasons Bush has given for Iraq war

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UPDATE: It's now up to 27, I've documented them in a separate post here.

Bush defended the war by saying even though weapons of mass destruction were not found, Saddam had a desire and ability to make them and an ability to work with terrorist organizations. This was "a threat we could not afford to take," he said. - Reuters
An "ability" to work with terrorist organizations? Ok, I think that's a new one. This weekend we found out about the "hope" to "someday" get WMD, and today we find out about the "ability" to work with terrorist organizations. Not actually WORKING WITH terrorist organizations, but simply the ABILITY TO DO SO. Well, every one of us 6 billion people on the planet have the "ability" work with Al Qaeda if we wanted to, so that pretty much gives Bush open season on anybody he wants.

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