I just got a press release from one of the "ex"-gay groups (i.e., religious-right-funded anti-gay groups that think you can pray away the gay.) The release claims a billboard of theirs in Virginia was "vandalized." Curious, I clicked on the link to see if they had a picture of the crime scene, and lo' and behold they do.
Here's the picture. See if you can figure out what is wrong with this picture? I kid you not, this is the picture in its state of already having been vandalized!
Now click on the high-res copy and you can just barely see the problem.
Like I said, if they weren't "straight" now, I'd say they were a bunch of whining fags :-)
PS A fun little aside: The head of the "ex"-gay group is a woman with a full-grown openly-gay son who was actually living with her a few years back while frequenting gay bars (I know this because I saw her speak at a conference about this). But she's supposedly an "expert" on "curing" gays. Uh huh.
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If they weren't "ex"-gays, I'd call them "big fags"
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