Here's a comforting essay in The Washington Monthly by Benjamin Wallace-Wells that compares the Republican Party of today to another decaying empire that once held sway over our nation.
"The truth is, for all its apparent strength, the modern Republican Party has worked itself into a position of profound and growing decay. Worried Republicans are right to look to the past to help sort out their future. But the right date isn't 1994 or 1904. It's the late 1970s--and the party to look at isn't the Republicans, but the Democrats. Like the Democrats of that period, the current version of the Republican Party is supremely powerful but ideologically incoherent, run largely by and for special interests and increasingly alienated from the broader voting public. Today's GOP is headed for a profound crackup. The only questions are when, exactly, the decline will start--and how long it will last."
Okay, maybe this just speaks to me because I profoundly rejected the Dems in the late Seventies, early Eighties (slaves to the unions and special interests!) and today I profoundly reject the Repubs (slaves to the religious far right and special interests!). Does it speak to you?
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The Decline and Fall of The Rove-an Empire
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