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1st time in a month, Kerry ahead in a poll!

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For the first time in a month, Kerry is ahead in the latest poll. This is great news because, even though he's ahead by one point (a statistical tie), the media will now finally admit "Hey, John Kerry is catching up to Bush," and that message is very very useful.

Interestingly, if you ignore the now-discredited Gallup poll (which includes CNN and USA Today), Bush was ahead by 4 points two weeks ago, then 3 points, then 2, and now Bush is BEHIND by 1. That's a clear trend, unmistakeably.

Sure, we haven't won yet, but this bullshit about "this is Kerry's last chance" is just that, bullshit. The man has been behind by, at most, 4 points over the past two weeks, and now is FINALLY ahead in a poll. That means the race is basically tied. So smile finally, and get to work :-)

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