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Spy investigation going on for a year, OTHER OFFICIALS being investigated

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"The FBI is investigating at least one mid-level Pentagon official on charges of spying for Israel, possibly as part of a larger probe, according to government sources.... But according to one senior government source, the investigation has been ongoing for over a year and has also focused on other officials in Feith's operation who may have passed other information on to Israel." - Newsday
A year-long investigation AND it has also focused on other officials who might have been involved. This is bigger than one mid-level guy. One final point: What other investigation began about a year ago? Valerie Plame. What did the Plame investigation deal with? Bush administration retaliation against a CIA officer for her husband having debunked false evidence for going to war against Iraq. Who would be interested in stopping people from debunking such evidence? Someone who had devoted their career to taking down Saddam Hussein. Who are some of the top people with that devotion in the Bush administration? That leads us to the very-long post I made below.

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