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Now the conservatives are defending the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII - Are Muslim-Americans next?

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The really sad part is that it's some Asian-American woman writing this new book in defense of internment (you need to scroll down a bit to read what this guy has to say about the book). As you know, the Republicans love to find a token anti-gay gay person, or a token Uncle Tom African-American (Illlinois Senate race anyone?), and trot them out to "prove" that the civil rights struggles of those communities are all a lie, since, after all, EVEN SOMEONE WHO LOOKS LIKE THEM AGREES THEY SHOULD BE THROWN IN PRISON CAMPS OR JAIL, OR THAT THEY DON'T DESERVE MARRIAGE, ETC.

Anyway, it's no big surprise that this woman's articles are published on WorldNetDaily, The National Review, and that she's a regular contributor to FOX. And I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that even Asians, gays, blacks, and women have their own sell-outs in their own communities (after all, we're all human, why should our communities be any less suceptible to the occasoinal freak). But it still amazes how low the Republicans will go in trying to force their agenda on the nation. Ann Coulter even tried to rehabilitate Sen. Joe McCarthy in one of her recent books. And now this Michelle Malkin woman is saying the internment camps were really nice places, and apparently a good idea to boot. And she has the nerve to criticize people like Norm Mineta who actually spent time in one of the God-forsaken camps as a child.

What Malkin unfortunately doesn't realize is that the kind of America she's promoting is the very kind of America in which she'd be one of the first to be locked up (but I guess that would be ok to her, since the accomodations in prison camps are so swell, and in any case, whatever her alleged crime she'd obviously be guilty since she's not white like the rest of us - you never can be too safe).

Not to mention, is this a subtle sign that conservatives think Arab-Americans might need to be sent to camps some day? The same logic clearly applies. If it was okay in the 40s, then it's okay today. Assuming we get the "right" intelligence backing up the threat (and hell, that should be easy - these guys pull new intelligence out of their ass by the hour). And while we're at it, how about Hilter? I mean, once he started going after some Jews, this argument would suggest that all the other German Jews might become fifth columnists. Was it okay to imprison them?

But hey, don't worry. It's "ridiculous" to compare the way Republicans are treating gay-Americans and Muslim-Americans to the way Hitler treated the Jews or the way America treated our own Japenese citizens during WWII. Yep, absolutely ridiculous and offensive comparison, don't go there, it simply could not happen again. That's what the Republicans tell us, while their most popular intellectual leaders try to relegitimize those very practices.

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